Friday, April 20, 2018

Obesity as a Public Health Issue
            The term "obesity" express body fat and usually is based on body mass index (BMI). Fat cells, adipose tissue are involved and promote inflammation and increased levels of circulation for fatty acids. Obesity is considered as a disease and affects to more people especially adult population of the United States. The reason obesity includes as a disease because obesity settles individuals at risk for many chronic healthsituation like respiratory conditions, high cholesterol, hypertension, stress incontinence and sleep apnea. However, these chronic health conditions are not the end and follow with sever diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and heart failure, fatty liver disease and numerous cancers. Now obesity like an issue is getting to be epidemic not only in the United States but throughout the world, and has its negative effect on whole populations on the world so it could categorize as a trigger for public health. According to the Buckle, Peter “public health has been defined as the science and art of prevention disease, promoting life and promoting health through …….public and private, communities and individuals” which is a great explanation. His seek shows the impact of obesity on public health by an ergonomics approach. This research overview shows health concerns which illustrate an increasingly obese workforce. The increase range of obesity in the population generally and the workforce in particular provides research which waist money and time for equipment design (for obese), attitudes of workplace colleagues, design guidance, change of working hours and regulations. Not only obesity influences adults but effects to children too. According to Trudnak childhood obesity is a major public health problem that is the focus of many child health programs and policies throughout the nation. The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased over few years. It is idea that the main cause of obesity is by imbalance between calorie intake and calories utilized. However, there are one or more factors like genetic, behavioral, and environmental cause obesity in children. Certainly, there are physical, psychological, and social health problems caused due to childhood obesity. However, it can be difficult for children and parents to make healthy food choices and get enough physical activity when they are exposed to environment that so not support healthy habits. Places such as child care centers, schools, or communities can affect diet and activity through the foods and drinks they offer and the opportunities for physical activity they provide. Obviously, children who have obesity are more likely to become adults with obesity. Consequently, adult obesity is associated with increased risk of a number of serious health have obesity, their obesity and disease risk factors in adulthood are likely to be more severe. Kraak explains globally, 1.6 billion adults are overweight and 400 million are obese. He continues at least 155 million school-aged children are overweight or obese and 20 million children younger than the age of 5 years are overweight. According to his search for the first time in history, global overweight levels are higher than the 1.02 billion people who are hungry and undernourished worldwide.
            There are different kinds of things that affect one’s social life. One of these things is obesity. Moreover, human beings are social animals, and the tenor of our social life is one of the most important influences on our mental health. Without positive, durable relationships, both our minds and our bodies fall apart. Obesity research shows that being overweight is connected to mental health and body image issues. The emotional and mental health issues caused by being overweight include social discrimination, low self-esteem, and even thoughts of ending life. Obese women and men are less physically active because it's not only more difficult to move around, it's embarrassing to change in the locker rooms at the gym. Many obese people don't feel comfortable in fitness classes because of their size and shape. This lack of physical activity can cause depression and anxiety. Therefore, Obesity increases the risk that people and especially young children will become socially isolated. And being isolated will make other problems in people’s social adjustment, activity engagement, goal direction and self-confidence. Sometimes become socially isolated plus anxiety is elements which effects on child’s self-esteem and development and functioning of social life. Self-esteem serves a crucial function to developing children’s health and behavior. While high self-esteem is often associated with a mood of cheerfulness, feelings of optimism, and relatively high energy. Many experts agree that obesity is one of the most pressing health problems facing our nation today. Children who are obese also endure negative attention in the forms of teasing, rejection, and harsh treatment that also contribute to the reduction of their self-esteem. As I told previously, low self-esteem affects many areas of life including relationships, performance in school and work, social interactions, and the ability to set and work toward goals.  Children who are unable to achieve a positive self-image are at-risk for depression, withdrawal, and fear of social interaction. Furthermore, these children encounter problems related to academics, learning, and school involvement. Understanding the factors related to self-esteem and what affects it will assist parents, educators, and child advocates in ensuring success and happiness for all children.
 Also, obese people get fewer promotions in their job and are more likely to be fired, suspended, or demoted because of their weight. Furthermore, weight-based teasing can also make individuals engage in unhealthy eating patterns and unhealthy weight control practices which can cause other medical conditions. All of these effects have very real impacts on a person’s overall mental and physical health. How has my understanding of civic engagement changed by participating in this assignment was when for first time I hear about civic engagement I didn’t have any clue about the definition of this word. Thus the assignment was finding two descriptions about civic engagement. I did it; however, the meaning became more touchable when for few weak I worked for civic engagement as a project. It was so interesting to analysis a social issue and see why that is a problem for public and social life. I get chance to feel and realize why for example obesity could be a case not only for me but for society where living in. I knew what on a very simple level; weight depends on the number of calories we consume, how many of those calories we store, and how many we burn up.But I didn’t know each of these factors is influenced by a combination of genes and environment. Also I didn’t know 1.6 billion adults are overweight and 400 million are obese or least 155 million school-aged children are overweight and obese also 20 million children younger than the age of 5 years are overweight (Kraak, 2009). These numbers are huge and cause to think what the main reason of the obesity is. Recently, most of people like our friends and family members believe that obesity is a complex health issue and makes serious concern because it is associated with poorer mental health outcomes, reduced quality of life, and the leading causes of death in the U.S. and worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.  Certainly, all of these factors can create other issues which will reflect to social life too. Yes, my friend Karineh believes that since each one of us is a representative of public, so everyone’s health surely effects on public, so the healthier we are the more healthie society we society will have, therefore. If we try to make an investment on public’s health, by acknowledging them to healthy eating and doing sports. These would lead us to have a healthy public.  Working of this project helped not only to me but to my friends and family members to think serious what we are eating and how. Taking care of your emotional and mental health is one of the best things you can do for your body and life!

Since  each one of us is a representative of public, so everyone’s health surely effects on public, So the more healthier we are the more healthier society we are the more healthier society we will have, therefore. If we try to make an investment on public’s health, by acknowledging them to healthy eating and doing sports. These would lead us to have a healthy public.

We can see all these are about the effect of obesity on individuals as an adult and children. Whereas individuals are part of social and if obesity can effect to individuals so can effects to their social life too.  For instance, obese people are more prone to being bullied, humiliated or ostracized. They are also more likely to engage in bullying behavior. Obesity may also take an emotional injury, as some may experience depression, feelings of social isolation, discrimination and an overall lower quality of life. 

Buckle, P., & Buckle, J. (2011). Obesity, ergonomics and public health. Perspectives in Public             Health, 131(4), 170-6. Retrieved        from
Trudnak, T., Melton, S. T., Simpson, L., & Baldwin, J. (2012). The childhood obesity        response in florida:            Where do we stand? Childhood Obesity, 8(3), 237-42.             doi:
Kraak, V. I., Kumanyika, S. K., & Story, M. (2009). The commercial marketing of healthy             lifestyles to address the global child and adolescent obesity pandemic:       Prospects, pitfalls and priorities. Public Health Nutrition, 12(11), 2027-36.             doi: