Monday, April 30, 2018

Gentrification MM


The process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle-class taste. Gentrification is a process of renovating of deteriorated urban neighborhoods by means of the influx of more affluent residents. This is common and controversial topics in politics and in urban planning. (

Research: Books & Articles

1.) 'Pioneers of Gentrification: Transformation in Global neighborhoods in Urban American in the late 20th Century'. Jacklyn Hwang. 2015.

2.) 'Gentrification'. Allen Edson. 2001.

Research: Information and Facts

Throughout my analysis I have discovered multiple concerns on the expansion of gentrification. Before I begin on the outstanding issues I would like to start with when and how Gentrification came to be what we know about it today.
During the late 1960s and 1970s America was experiencing a high increase in immigrants wanting to achieve the "American Dream". In 1965 the Heart-Cellar Act was pass in America. The Act was designed to help the process of coming into America easier (Hwang 2015). Not being able to afford the idealistic "American Home" or in this case the "American community" due to lack of resources, immigrants migrated into neighborhoods that were undesirable by the majority of the public (Hwang 2015). These neighborhoods where immigrants were forced to reside are considered "low-cost" areas of the suburbs, inner-city areas, and lower-income sections where are generally black neighborhoods (Hwang 2015). Although their "non desirable" communities were not idealistic, they made the best of it. The newcomers of America created their own "ethic zone" where a community was born off of a majority of a certain ethnicity; similar to down town Los Angeles China town or Olvera street. After the immigrants took over these diminished areas and rejuvenated these neighborhoods the housing market became high in demand. These once considered 'declining areas' became alluring to business entrepreneurs creating economic and social demands which appeals to the start of Gentrification (Hwang 2015). 
As some time has passed since the 1960s-1970s these neighborhoods that immigrants have founded and created, are now considered to be "trendy" and are even more so of a desirable place to live in popular cities across America (think of neighborhoods like Highland park or Echo park in Los Angeles). Although these newly refurbished neighborhoods are developing across American-which is great for economic growth within these cities- it is nonetheless sabotaging the strength of communities and affects the country more negatively than postively (Edson. 2001). The original residents of these neighborhoods are faced with an increase in rent which ultimately forces most of them to move even more outward of these cities; conclusively creating an never ending cycle of gentrification (Edson. 2001). Small business are also affected by increase in rent forcing closure and allowing big corporations to take over these once 'unwanted' neighborhoods (Edson. 2001). What  is ultimately being the most affected by gentrification are the communities that were built within these neighborhoods. Schools, churches, and the social groups created in these regions are being torn apart because wealthy developers want to invest in property to build more apartments and more importantly to gain wealth (Edson. 2001). Conclusively, these communities were once the essence of what made these neighborhoods are then jeopardized and ultimately become diminished.

Explanation: Why Gentrification is relevant to me 

Growing up in Los Angeles my whole life I have been exposed to many communities surrounding the city of angels. My mother grew up in City Terrace in east Los Angeles and as a kid I remember going there frequently because my grandmother still lived in my moms childhood home. The city has changed a bit since then and gentrification has now become more frequent throughout cities surrounding Los Angeles. I picked this specific issue because I wanted to inform myself with all the facts on gentrification. At first I thought (and still do in some way) that overall gentrification is a positive change. But after completing this assignment I now have a different outlook on it. I used to believe that the original members of the communities were 'mad' because outsiders were making their neighborhoods "prettier", and why would that be a mad thing? Now I see it similar to Columbus discovering 'America': buying the land, changing the community, and uiltmently pushing the natives of these neighborhoods out. Now I understand why there is so much controversy surrounding gentrification. The original members of these regions have already experienced being an outsider and are now feeling like outsiders within a community that they worked so hard to have. 
I constantly see changes throughout neighborhoods like City Terrace that were once not the most desirable and are now viewed as 'trendy' places to live. Gentrification affects all of us in some ways, especially my generation. The cost of living in Los Angeles is very costly already, and now to have these 'newly' desirable communities it is going to be harder to afford rent. 

Voices from the Community

Jennifer Barrera 

" I see gentrification as a never ending cycle. There should be a happy medium. As a real-estate agent I come across families that are struggling and having to move into smaller homes to be closer to their jobs. Having to commute a long drive from home to work takes a toll on a family creating a more stressful environment. As a single mom I have compassion for those struggling to create a stable home environment. It is not easy therefore I do my best to find happy homes for all my clients. "

Tom Maloney

"The City of Los Angeles is currently experiencing a lot of changes in the surrounding communities. As a contractor I have been apart of some of these home renovations. I see single family homes being torn down into multiple homes on a single property. Rent is then increase, population within that region rises, and parking becomes an even bigger issue than it already is. I think it is only going to get worse and there should be more regulations on this issue."

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