Monday, April 23, 2018

LGBTQ Facing Injustice

I am gay,
I am straight,

I am lesbian,
I am transgender,
I am human.

– Anonymous

I first want to start off by stating that I am proud to be part of the LGBTQ community. Choosing the topic of issues that LGBTQ community confront, it is significant for individuals to understand that we are no different than any other human being in the world. There is one thing that individuals should take in consideration about the LGBTQ community, they are not here to promote the influence of sexuality to anyone but rather to radiate love and acceptance to the world. Growing up I did struggle with my sexuality, it was very difficult for me to be my true self because I was terrified that I was going to be left alone with no support. Coming out was not an easy thing to do, not until my junior year in high school when I found the person that broke me out of my shell, my girlfriend Christina. Unfortunately, I did lose a couple of friendships and got bullied as soon as I revealed my sexuality and got bullied for it as well, but I was okay with it because for once I needed to make myself happy for once. I can relate my situation with many because there is teenagers who struggle with coming out because they will find obstacles that can affect them in the long run. People should be able to live their life without worrying if they are going to be judged or harassed at the fact they are part of the LGBTQ community. This is an issue that needs to be addressed frequently, to let people be aware that it is okay to be unique and that violence is not a solution to demonstrate a disagreement.

LGBTQ youth members are facing injustice constantly in society, actions that are not necessary. Human Rights Watch states “A lack of policies and practices that affirm and support LGBT youth—and a failure to implement protections… LGBT students nationwide continue to face bullying, exclusion, and discrimination in school, putting them at physical and psychological risk…” There is a need to call for help to put a stop to these maltreatment's are being done to the LGBTQ community that are causing serious harm to these vulnerable people. Majority of LGBTQ youth are having a hard time to truly identify themselves freely due to the violence and discrimination towards them. With that being said, there is percentages that have been proven that discrimination has impacted the lives of LGBTQ youth significantly such as:

  • 68.5 percent reported that discrimination at least somewhat negatively affected their psychological well-being
  •  47.7 percent reported that discrimination negatively impacted their spiritual well-being.
  • 38.5 percent reported discrimination negatively impacted their school environment.
  • 52.8 percent reported that discrimination negatively impacted their work environment.
  • 56.6 report it negatively impacted their neighborhood and community environment. (Center for American Progress, 2017).

It is never too late to stress issues that are calling out for help. Two questions that I will like to ask people is, what is the point of discriminating someone’s sexuality? What if that person is your daughter, son, sister, brother, mom, or even your dad, our existence to earth is to achieve great things in life and live a content life. To conclude, I am pleased to introduce amazing people who are strong supporters of the LGBTQ youth community.

  J. Yuen
California State University of Los Angeles Alumni
“The LGBTQ community is an amazing organization of
 people whom despite many shortcomings, stand for their
 rights as humans. They unite to build welcoming society
 that brings a culture to what they believe in.

V. Cabrera

Last Year at California State University of Los Angeles
“ I have a lot friends that are part of LGBTQ community
, they are beautiful people with beautiful souls. Being
around them makes happy, their happiness is contagious.
 I will never trade them for anything else in this world! ✌”

B. Lara
Current student at California State University of Los Angeles
“Being a supporter of the LGBTQ community makes me feel
like I am doing something right with my life. They are incredible
 people who are understanding and so much fun!☺”

Los Angeles LGBT Center 👬 ❤ 👭
“Help us build a world where LGBT thrive as healthy, equal,
               and complete members of society”


“‘Like Walking Through a Hailstorm’ | Discrimination Against LGBT Youth in US Schools.”
Human Rights Watch, 6 June 2017,

Singh, Sejal, and Laura E. Durso. “Widespread Discrimination Continues to Shape LGBT People's Lives in Both Subtle and Significant Ways.” Center for American Progress, 1 May 2017,

“Home.” Los Angeles LGBT Center,

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