Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Plastic Surgery -Karina Estrada

Plastic Surgery 

 In child development when it comes to civic engagement, we focused on parental behaviors such as modeling civic behaviors, emphasizing civic values, having political discussions and proving a supportive home environment. This helps children understand the quality of life in a community. In my own terms, I define civic engagement as a group of people working together to make a difference. Whether we agree on volunteering going to the park or beach to clean what we can.

  Plastic surgery was known at first as reconstructive surgery techniques that have been carried out since 800 BC. As of today, plastic surgery seems to be very popular. Many people view it as a "trend", the most popular surgeries at the moment could be from Botox, nose jobs, buttocks to removing a rib and breast implants. I believe that many young girls grow up to be insecure due to some much exposure in social media. In social media, many young girls see how someone has a perfect body and they want that. Many tend to look at themselves and compare their body with someone else who has "a perfect body". What we don't know that behind all that, many women have lost their lives and leave so many beautiful things behind just to have the perfect body. Getting plastic surgery is like drinking coffee the more we drink the more we can't be without it. It's an addiction and many can't stop from doing different surgeries to their body. This is an issue and has affected many who had lost someone due to plastic surgery procedures. It is important for women to know that our imperfections are a blessing. 

Social Media Affects 

  In today's social media era the desire to be liked and known has grown. The number of followers and likes a person gets determines how popular someone can be. Social media is part of our daily lives. What we do not realize is how effective it can be for many young girls as they are growing. Noel D' Souza states, "What you see on a post is what you get and this makes people feel left out because they do not get to be a part of this. It develops feelings of loneliness, misery, and envy which are not good for your self-esteem". He also said, "Young Adults feel insecure too while scrolling through their Facebook feed and noticing that all their friends are either getting married, getting engaged or having a kid. It’s hard not to let this affect you but it does". It is hard to believe but we do live in an era where young boys and girls believe that looks matter in order to be "cool". We know that the Kardashians are well known and we also know how people see them as "perfect" teens and young adults are influenced by their looks. Insecurities start to grow and they began to compare each other leading to thoughts of plastic surgeries. 

  This social issue is relevant to me because many teens and adult women are growing to be insecure. I do believe social media has to do a lot with why many woman and teens worry a lot about their appearance. Many women have died or they been disfigured while getting something done. It affects me because I lost a friend due to plastic surgery, I knew she was insecure about her flaws, but what she did not know was that she was beautiful the way she was. She was only 25 years of age who left behind a baby boy, family, and friends hurting. “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”- Steve Furtick. We should not worry about what we do not have in fact we should worry about who loves us the way we are and what we have.  

                        Kaity Rivas 
                    California Heights United Methodist Children Center 

"Plastic surgery is something that is affecting our young generation more because you can see it from social media, magazines to billboards. They put what we want to see and that's to be "perfect". Social media is a form of advertising plastic surgery they can post a picture and simply say, " This is what true beauty is and not you in reality".  I have never done plastic surgery on myself because I know that will NEVER correct my flaws it takes a lot of self-love and until we learn how to love ourselves we will learn that whether its plastic surgery or not, nothing will fix our flaws "

                       Eduardo Garcia Jr 
"When it comes to plastic surgery, I do not think much of it. When it comes to a health issue that requires a person to get surgery then that is okay. If someone does it to "fix" their self-esteem because they don't like a certain part of their self then, no. We do not notice this but even our own family can tell us about our flaws without them knowing it hurts us mentally and emotionally. I say this because I would do it to my own sister who she now is very insecure and cares a lot of what people think of her. I was young and I did not realize it would be something that would affect her. I've noticed how much time she spends on social media comparing herself with others slowly influencing her to do certain things. Now that I am older and wiser, I tell her that looks do not matter what matter is how you are and what you know".

Evelin Perez 

"I think plastic surgery is viewed by many as a solution or a replacement. It can replace body parts, but it cannot replace who we are. Social media has to do a lot with someone feeling insecure for example we have Instagram who many people are IG famous because they have a "perfect, hot" body and many young girls and women look up to that because most of them are viewed as "perfect". Society builds the perfect image. I sometimes feel insecure because of my belly I feel like everyone looks at me, and I know why I feel that way and it's because of what I see on social media, but not even plastic surgery will ever correct or make me feel better. I will do everything the right way instead of putting my life in danger and that's by exercising and saying to myself I did that".

Monica Mendoza 
Student at ELAC
"I think everybody should have the freedom to modify or change themselves however they want, if it means within themselves, their behavior or their appearance, without social judgment. The importance behind this is the reason why people decide to get plastic surgery. A lot of those reasons today stem from personal insecurities that can be physical, mental, and emotional. I think it is more than certain that social media outlets have a major influence on young women and even the younger generations to consider plastic surgey as the internet has been more easily accessible this past decade, to consider plastic surgery. It seems like it has become a fashion trend to be uploaded to one’s profile to gain the likes of certain or various personalities. I have never had any body alterations nor have I considered it and I hope I won’t in the future because I want to allow my body to grow and evolve as it should. It’s definitely a big risk to take as it can be damaging not only for your body but also to your mind"


Plastic surgery can be dangerous even if you pay thousands of dollars or if you're young or not. No one is safe behind the procedures or just because they are in the hands of the "best" plastic surgent out there. According to Jenna Goudreau from Forbes Staf," Greater numbers of young women are now going under the knife. Cosmetic procedures are up 4% for women in their 30s, and 30% of all liposuction recipients are ages 19 to 34, reports the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery". This matters to me because I am growing up to see many of our young generations developed insecurities. I see more and more negative comments towards themselves which they put themselves down and others too. I feel personally affected because I was body shammed before and I did feel insecure, but I came to realize that she was self-conscious about herself and tried making me feel the same way she did. It’s so easy to point out someone's flaws, but what matters is what we know not how we look. Like I mentioned before I lost a friend due to plastic surgery because she was insecure, influenced and care what people say. It’s an issue that we should be more aware of and show our young ones that there is nothing wrong with having flaws no one will ever be perfect and we have to learn how to self- love and not hurt others. " Don't let insecure thoughts ruin something amazing".  

Alter ideas to alter the world----------->

  • Set examples by helping one another and not putting each other down.
    As a group, we should show more awareness of the effects of plastic surgery. We should show our younger generation that looks should not be a concern for them. Most of the young girls and young women are influenced by women who have insecurities. We can help them to grow up loving themselves, accepting who they are and helping others love themselves by helping them surround themselves with good people, volunteering in places where the help is needed and providing more information of where they can go if they are feeling insecure or feeling influenced to do something that can cause their life. This can help many young girls to not be or feel insecure because there is nothing wrong with their imperfections. 

For You 👼

K.A ❤

Work Cited 



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