Thursday, November 8, 2018

Obesity_Ashley Anguiano

Obesity is Killing Us

Obesity is an important social issue that needs to be addressed because it shows how unhealthy we have become and it can affect any person. Maintaining our health is very important because living an unhealthy lifestyle can cause many complications to the body and even lead to a shorter lifespan.

According to Healthline, more than one-third of adults in the United States are obese and 1 in 6 children are affected. Each state in the US has an obesity rate over 20% (2017).

Obesity can lead to many consequences such as health-related factors. Healthline states that obesity is linked to 60 chronic diseases (2017). The major disease and conditions caused by obesity included type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and cancer. Unfortunately, these diseases and complications can lead to death. Globally obesity is one of the top five causes of death (Healthline, 2017).

Causes of Obesity      

  • too much calorie intake
  • little to no physical activity
  • fast/processed food is cheaper                                                                                                                                  

Obesity is Preventable 

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Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975 (World Health Organization, 2018). Obesity is causing many deaths but this can be stopped. It is preventable. According to the World Health Organization, the two most important ways to prevent obesity is eating healthy and engaging in physical activity (2018). Cutting down on sugar and fats and consuming more veggies would be a start to losing weight.

As a kinesiology major,  promoting fitness and overall health is what I'm passionate about. Being fit and eating healthy has so many benefits to the body. For example, energy levels rise, brain function improves, physique looks good, and one of the most important factors of being fit are fewer chances of being affected by a disease. Obesity is important to me because my goal is to help others maintain their health so they can live a longer life.

I choose this issue because anyone can be affected by obesity, and overall the United States has very high rates of obesity. Another reason why I choose obesity is that it is preventable. It is important that people are aware of how something as simple as gaining weight can lead to a lot more complications and even to death. Although I believe that being healthy can be expensive which I understand why obesity rates may be increasing. For example, fast food is more affordable than a healthy meal. Money plays a major role, businesses only care to make money and do not think about how these unhealthy options are killing the population.  My goal is to find ways to make being healthy less expensive. For example, exercise can be done anywhere and although healthy food is a bit more expensive in the long run, being healthy comes out cheaper.  Being healthy becomes cheaper because no money is needed for treatment or hospital bills. Obesity is a problem that can affect anyone and as a community we can use our voice to promote health, to protest about unhealthy options, and to promote to stay active. The human body is our form of art, therefore it should be treated with care if we want to live long.

The Start to Stopping Obesity

  • eating healthier options
  • engaging in physical activity
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"I believe obesity needs to be stopped because it increases death and causes many other diseases, overall it ruins one’s mental and physical health."  - Jacquelyn

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"I believe technology is one of many causes of obesity, it is limiting the amount of physical activity. " - Steven
I believe becoming obese is easy because it is easier to afford fast food, compared to fruits and veggies.
 - Elda 


Holland, K. (2017, December 5). Obesity Facts. Retrieved October 23, 2018, from

Obesity and overweight. (2018). Retrieved October 25, 2018, from 
Show, T. I. (2015, January 05). Overweight World - Obesity Facts and Statistics. Retrieved from

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