People with Learning Disabilities

Personal Drive
In the recent years, a very close cousin of mine discovered that his daughter had a learning disability. It was hard for him to learn what that meant and find the right resources to help him. He was told that he needed to find a speech pathologist because his daughter had difficulties with her speech. Which affected her learning. When he found his daughter a speech therapist there was a big improvement. I think it is so fascinating how a few years of support from a speech pathologist can cause a positive change in my little cousin. She has learned to have good speech skills and has improved her confidence. The reason why I chose this topic is because I feel like it is not really addressed. The perspective of the public in regards to people with a learning disabilities is often stereotypical. My goal with this project is to spread awareness that people with LD’s are quite intelligent, imaginative and very creative. I hope whoever reads this has a better understanding of people with learning disabilities. They are normal people who learn in different ways.
Not many people know what a learning disability is or quite understand it. Based on the article “What is a Learning Disability” it states “A learning disability is a neurological disorder. In simple terms, a learning disability results from a difference in the way a person's brain is "wired"”. Which means that person with a learning disability learn differently. It does not mean that they are incapable. “A learning disability can't be cured or fixed; it is a lifelong issue. With the right support and intervention, however, children with learning disabilities can succeed in school and go on to successful, often distinguished careers later in life”. Which I believe to be true. Before my little cousin started speech therapy no one was able to understand her except her parents. Once she got the help that she needed it was life changing. By getting the support that she needed she improved not only with her communication but also academically. Being able to communicate better allowed her to ask questions and share her thoughts about her subjects. She is a very avid reader and now is able to share her stories. This shows that with the right amount of support and tools a person with a learning disability can achieve high levels of success.
From the article “Learning disabilities facts, trends and stats” it stated that a survey was taken about people with learning disabilities. The result of the survey was that the general public did not know what a person with a learning disability was. “Half of the people surveyed name medication and mental health counseling as treatments for LD. Another third think that lack of parent or teacher involvement in early childhood can cause LD. And some people think that LD is caused by a poor diet, vaccinations or too much TV. Other incorrect assumptions include: “Learning disability” is a label given to what is the result of laziness”. It surprised me to know how little people know about people with learning disabilities. I feel like now it should be a well known topic and people should not have any misperceptions of it. But that is not the case.
I believe that the general public should not judge or think little of people with learning disabilities. I think it is important for people to be better informed about LD’s.We should also teach from an early age that LD’s do not minimize a person and it is not a weakness. In many cases it is a strength. I’ve learned that people with LD’s are great communicators, advocates,in many cases are well ordered and structured. There are also very renowned people in this world who have learning disabilities. Physicists like Albert Einstein, famous journalists like Anderson Cooper,athletes like Michael Phelps, famous directors like Steven Spielberg and famous actors like Orlando Bloom have had LD’s all throughout their lives. The following are some examples of what they have shared about their LD’s.
“The gift of dyslexia was that I learned everything forward and backward, inside out, so I was fully prepared,” - Orlando Bloom
“Growing up, champion swimmer Michael Phelps was continually criticized by teachers for his inability to sit still, and was formally diagnosed with ADHD when he was in fifth grade. (He) ended his Olympic career as the most highly decorated Olympian of all time, boasting 22 medals (18 of them being gold)”
“You are not alone, and while you will have dyslexia for the rest of your life, you can dart between the raindrops to get where you want to go. It will not hold you back.” -Steven Spielberg
“My learning disability gave me certain advantages, because I was able to live in the moment and capitalize on the opportunities I spotted,”-Paul Orfalea (Dyslexia and ADHD)
I hope this encourages you to be more understanding of people with LD’s. I encourage you to become friends with someone with a learning disability. You may just be in the presence of greatness.You never know, they could be the next Sir Richard Branson or Elon Musk, which by the way have a Learning Disability.
The Community
People with learning disabilities are an inspiration. They’re people who never give up and continue to strive regardless of their situation. They work really hard and always achieve what they put there mind to it. I believe that people with disabilities are intelligent. They are able to perform the same tasks as the normal, even if it may take a while longer they still do. I see them the same as everyone else in our community. They are exactly the same even with a disability. Their disabilities should define who they’re because I believe they truly are amazing.
-Edith Flores
I have students with learning disabilities that I know are intelligent, that I know are hard workers. They are often the students who take the time to come to their professors' office hours, to ask questions, and to turn in assignments they are proud of. In our society, they are creative and funny and they often seek out lasting relationships, even though it may be challenging at times. Just like everyone else, they want to be given a fair chance.
-Julia Nicholls
I think that people with learning disabilities are individuals with great minds. I believe that many people undermine their ability, their intelligence and their same desire to be just like everyone else. To me a person with a learning disability is just another individual, just with a little more to offer. We all need a helping hand at times, a push of encouragement, but we are all capable of the same things. I feel like a lot of us don't know or understand "learning disabilities. But then you become aware of them. For instance, my niece with autism is very intelligent, but she understands things differently but clearly. She might not communicate verbally but physically and mentally she's capable of the same things an individual without a learning disability can.
-Georgina Felix
Morin, Amanda. “Learning Disabilities, Facts and Trends Stats.”,
“What Is a Learning Disability?” | LD OnLine, Ordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities,
Special Education Degrees,
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