Thursday, November 8, 2018

How Cannabis Treats Anxiety

Joanna Ayala

How cannabis can help treat anxiety

Anxiety is a disorders constant feeling of worry and fear that doesn't go away and within time it can  get worst. It can have a major influence in your life, it can interfere with your daily activities such as school, work and family/friends relationships. Having fear and anxiety is normal but once it starts to take over and you let it rule your every move then it becomes a problem.

There are different types of anxiety disorders such as Separation Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Substance-Medication-Induced Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Hoarding Disorder, Body Dysmophic Disorder(BDD), Trichotillomani, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

All these disorders are commonly seen within individuals. The symptoms are all different for each one but the main common symptom is fear, stress and constant worry. When an anxiety attack happens your body goes into fight or flight mode causing your body to go under a great amount of stress. Due to the fight or flight mode your body's function starts to have adverse affects to your nervous system, which is responsible for sending and receiving nerve impulse information from the nerve endings and sensory organs in the body to the brain and back again (anxietycentre).

How cannabis helps

CBD also known as cannabidiol is found in the marijuana plant. It is the second-most prevalent cannabinoid in marijuana, following tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Individuals with anxiety disorders can benefit taking CBD, it helps encourage relaxation and happiness. CBD interacts with your neurotransmitters to relieve anxiety rewarding your neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis plant, there are different ways to take CBD, you can swallow, vape and apply to the skin. CBD will not give you the high affect oppose to THC.

CBD has helped a lot of individuals control their anxiety without taking medication. A natural alternative to mental health without causing more damage in the long run. I interviewed a few individuals who stop taking medication and found CBD as a natural alternative to help them overcome anxiety everyday. 

What they have to say

I have PTSD & multiple Anxiety disorders due to years of working for the school district,  CBD has helped me tremendously and I have been able to get off of medications. I found what works for me, I use different forms of CBD but the oils have helped me when I find myself having a panic attack out of nowhere.

I have a very stressful job working with executives daily. I work 24/7 and I tend to have really bad anxiety when I get put under pressure. When I know deadlines are coming up I find myself carrying my CBD oil daily. I have one my desk, car and purse. I make sure I never leave home without. It hasn't gotten me out of a lot of stressful times. 

CBD has helped me in so many ways. I have suffered from anxiety all my life, I found myself now in my 30's having more anxiety than ever. CBD has saved me in so many ways. 


How Taking CBD Oil for Anxiety Can Change Your Life. (2018, April 18). Retrieved November 3, 2018, from

Villines, Z. (2018, July 27). CBD oil: Definition, effects on anxiety, and considerations. Retrieved November 3, 2018, from

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