Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sexual Corecion

     Sexual coercion is an issue that affects individuals on the daily basis. Although this issue occurs it's never talked about because victims are afraid that their perpetrators will hurt them even more. What is sexual coercion? Sexual coercion is when tactics like pressure, threats, or emotional abuse etc are used to get someone to agree to have unwanted sex. The perpetrators are usually people that know the victims which means it can a be boyfriend/girlfriend, family members, friends, or strangers.  Groups that suffer this issue the most are female adolescents because they don't understand that they have the right to say no to unwanted sex. Boyfriends/girlfriends threat their partner by saying that if they don't have unwanted sex with them, the perpetrator will leave the victim because they don't want to have sex and because they don't want to have sex they are not in love. Other use threats of hurting victims family in order to get what they want. Using force to having sex is rape, but some victims are in love, and are afraid to lose the perpetrator although they are being abused. 
     According, to Smalls and Kerns (1993) "1 to 5 female's adolescents reported some type of unwanted sexual activity in the past year." It's very uncountable to know that young women have to go through unpleasant dilemma because selfish individuals pick them to be victims. No one should have to have sexual intercourse without their consent.  Jack, Cram, & Seymour (2000) state that unwanted sexual activities are often found in long-term relationships rather than in new relationships, acquaintances, or friends. Teenagers are confused during this age because they are in love for the first time and don't have previous experiences to understand this is wrong. 
     Usually, sexual coercion victims are female victims because they are so vulnerable to sexual coercion. Males are likely to be perpetrators because in some family, they teach men how to be macho man, and make women do what men want them to do which is absolutely wrong. Some culture teach that marry couples must have sex in their lives ( Lacasse & Mendelson, 2007). Supposedly, having sex and satisfying the partner is a duty which is false if individuals don't desired sex it's not a must. Taking the liberty of becoming someones wife, girlfriend or partner doesn't mean your body is their property. ( Lacasse & Mendelson, 2007
     Throughout, all my life till my teenager years my parents influences me that having sexual intercourse was a huge deal, and that it was very important that this happened till I got married. In school sex was a hot topic and was always talked about because during those years teenage mothers was a huge deal. Every girl feared of getting pregnant, but yet having sex was a high school experience every girl had because that was when most girls meet their first love. Why does this affect me directly because I saw lots of my friends go through sexual coercion, and although some took forever to tell me I knew there relationships were not healthy. Some of my friends were physically abuse, emotional abuse, and other were mistreated in front of other friends, but they were still in that relationship because they were "in love". This topic is important because teenagers must understand they don't have to do anything they don't want till they are prepare to take those steps in their lives. Teenagers have to know that sexual coercion is a crime, and that no threat, pressure, or abuse should be tolerated, and must be spoken upon. 

Joey Torres
"In my opinion, sexual coercion affect my community in so many ways. For example,  back in the days a sex server (a.k.a prostitute) had someone with higher power like a (pimp), that told them what to do, and even if they didn't want to they had to do it. Sexual coercion with customers was demanded on them, and if a prostitute didn't obey, they would get mistreated. It also affects my community because some sex servers have kids, and having that life don't set a great example for those children. I speak from my personal experience, because my mother was a stripper as well as sex server which induce me to experiencing that lifestyle. I don't want to see any young kid go through this."

Katrina Perez
" It's very important for any individual who is going through any pressure of sexual coercion to understand that if they don't speak out about it sexual coercion will affect them the rest of their lives."

Worked Cited  
Jackson, S.M., Cram, F. & Seymour, F.W. (2000). Violence and sexual coercion in high school students’ dating relationship. Journal of Family Violence, 15(1), 23-36. doi: 10.1023/A:1007545302987

Lacasse, A. & Mendelson, M. J. (2007) Sexual coercion among adolescents: Victims and perpetrators. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 22(4): 424-437. doi:10.1177/0886260506297027  
Small, S. A., Kerns, D. (1993). Unwanted sexual activity among peers during early and middle adolescence: Incidence and risk factors. Journal of marriage and family, 55(4), 941-952.

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