Thursday, November 9, 2017

Homelessness-Ruben Akopov

Homelessness in the Los Angeles Area.

My Opinion
I've been living in the East Hollywood area for 8 years. I've been living there since I moved to the United States. Area itself is very densely populated. It serves as a site for Los Angeles City College, Barnsdall Park and hospital district. I like the area, its' relative affordability,my community. That's why I'm continuing living there. However, in past several years, I noticed an increase of the homeless people on the streets. There were homeless people in area before too, but the number of those people continued to increase. In my opinion, couple factors such as overall increase in the housing rent, stagnant incomes are the underlying cause. At the same time, comparing to the other areas of the city, East Hollywood remains pretty affordable area for living. 
By looking at the homeless people, I could see that different demographic groups such as youth, families, chronologically ill individuals were affected by this issue. These people need help because they are our neighbors. I understand that homelessness as a whole, is really hard to end, but at least administration of the East Hollywood area, our Mayor, and of course community members have to try to decrease number of  homeless people on the streets. These people have to be given an opportunity for a better living. It's really sad to see young kids on the streets, that don't have an opportunity for a higher education and potentially good job in future.

Others concerned about increasing number of homeless people on the streets of Los Angeles:

John Abell: We have come dangerously close to accepting the homeless situation as a problem that we just can't solve.

Adrian Curto: No one is asking what happened to all the homeless. No one cares, because it's easier to get on the subway and not be accosted.

Eldor Evseev: It's really said to see how number of homeless people in our community keeps constantly increasing.

After talking to my community members, I found out that most of them are concerned about homelessness issue. Some members have been living in East Hollywood Area for many years and see homelessness as a problem that keeps going worst and worst. If homelessness continues to grow, we will end up in the homelessness crisis. Our city administration, we as a community, have to try our best to prevent it from happening!

 “L.A. County Homelessness Jumps a 'Staggering' 23% as Need Far Outpaces Housing, New Count Shows – LA Times.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times,

Pollak, Richard. “Homeless in Hollywood.” The Nation, 29 June 2015,

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