Thursday, November 9, 2017

Food Insecurity

There are too many people today in California that are struggling to pay for their basic necessities because of the bills that they have to pay. Many individuals now-a-days are too busy moving because like everyone else, we all have responsibilities. Because of the type of the On the other hand, you have individuals that are living well above their means and because of that they simply cannot afford other necessities that may be crucial to their very well being. Regardless of the situation, what many may not know is that California ranks in the top 3 most expensive states, following behind New York at # 2 and Hawaii at #1. Many people may be completely unaware of this term, but let’s take some things into consideration about California before we get into this. According to the Legislative Analyst’s Office, the average California home costs $440,000, this is about two-and-a-half times the average national home price of $180,000 ( 


In addition to this, if you choose to rent, the monthly rent is about $1,240 which is 50% higher than the rest of the country that lies at $840 per month for a single bedroom apartment in a sufficient area ( Keep in mind that this does not include everyday necessities that are required to live. That includes utilities, parking and/or public transportation, furniture, renter’s insurance, appliances, cable/internet, and laundry. All of this combined can easily reach to about $2,188 for the very first month and $1,088 for all the remaining subsequent months.

The Problem Defined

                Now that you have explained all this Michael, what exactly is food insecurity? How is it measured? Who determines what individuals are insecure when it comes to food? Who deals with food insecurity? Are there programs that help food insecure individuals out? Well I am glad that you asked! Food insecurity is the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe food or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways ( The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) measures food security using a survey method in households throughout many states. Typically, a household would be classified in the category if they indicated in at least three of the surveyed question that they were worried about whether their food would run out, they couldn’t afford to eat balanced meals, or they didn’t have money to get more food. According to the USDA, about 45,000 households respond to the food security questions and to questions about food spending and about the use of Federal and community food assistance programs. In the state of California, monies are given to the different counties throughout the state in order to help those out in need with food insecurity. Those that are eligible (low-income individuals and families) will be given the aid they need to keep themselves food secure.


            The types of programs that are available for individuals are the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible individuals and families that are low-income and provides economic benefits to communities. SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net. The way this program is created is because the Food and Nutrition Service works with state agencies, nutrition educators, and neighborhood and faith-based organizations to ensure that those eligible for nutrition assistance can make informed decisions about applying for the program and can access its benefits. WIC is a program that provides federal grants to California for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are to be at nutritional risk.

I personally feel affected by this because I grew up in an urban neighborhood and had friends whose families struggled. It was very common to witness things like this, families and individuals unable to afford much food because they were too busy paying the light, gas and water bill. Why was this happening? Many families and individuals during this time, from my conversations and interactions, were under the impression that they were doing the right thing. Obtaining employment, engaging in legitimate acts in order to be a prominent individual in the world. The thing was, the economy was changing. Because of the changing economy, the cost of living in California increased exponentially and many were not able to keep pace. On top of that education was another common variable that many were without because they were coming from a time were a proper education was not necessary in order to be successful in the world. Everything was changing and fast. This particular topic matters to me because no one should be without food. Food is the essential fuel that we as human beings need in order to survive and function properly. It is hard to think that certain individuals and families in our world today are unable to afford things of importance (in particular food), but it is a breath of fresh air to know that there are programs out here allowing for these families to survive.

            The unfortunate thing about this was the fact that while the intention for many families was to use this benefit (food voucher) as a temporary resolution to a problem (paying bills & other necessities), more than often families and individuals were stuck in this system of aid. Let’s say for instance, that a family struggles deeply to pay particular bills in life and that eventually the kids leave the house to partake on the pathway to their prominent lives. Maybe one of the kids goes to college to comply with the system and become a better earning individual in life, and another goes on to just working their way up in the world. In California, what would be the most likely path for these individuals that have chosen those particular paths. Well more than likely, these individuals are sure to see some sort of struggle due to how the economy is and the rising prices in California. Especially if they came from a family that was not able to provide them with any type of monetary aid and they were on their own to figure it out. Now, this is not the case all the time, some individuals are able to save good amounts of money to prepare themselves for life but most of the time a lot of these individuals are just breaking even in California. 

            In addition to this, many college students suffer from variables such as food insecurity throughout their college careers. On many occasions, students are at the top with both seniors and children when it comes to food security. On top of the debt that they accumulate, in their pursuit of a college education, they are also combatted with the idea that they may not be able to eat properly. This in turn can affect their overall performance and hinder their grades, ability to critically think in class, as well as participate. Professors and faculty members at a college institution are driven by the fact that their students want to learn and understand the material, but if there is no sign of interest then it can greatly affect both the student and the professor tremendously. I believe that we need to take things such as these into consideration. 

Food insecurity does not discriminate when it comes to populations, whether you are white, brown, black, you are at risk if you are within the low/middle classes. The constant struggle for food knows no bounds.The individuals below have agreed to be published on this document. These are individuals who have either experienced food insecurity or have known someone who has experienced food insecurity. They represent a few of the many people that inhabit this earth that understand that an issue like this should not be taken lightly. They are the advocates to the cause and will speak up against all who talk towards another human being in an inappropriate manner because of their economic struggles. My call to "action" would be to make individuals aware of this social issue that many do not see as a normative struggle many people go through. By making others aware of this issue I will spark conversation with individuals that will be able to combat this issue on a macro level (With mayors, governors, senators, etc). On top of that, I will make it a point to contact the mayor within the city that I live in to talk about how this issue needs to be solved and that by solving it can greatly increase the cash flow in our immediate economy in communities everywhere. I also believe that a petition needs to be created to help out disadvantaged individuals so that those that struggle are able to gain more aid and acceptance in society today. 

Advocates for change:

From right to left (Caitlin, Breanna, Gerardo)

"Its a shame that college students do not get the attention that they need, its kind of jacked up that the government and other individuals in the world believe that we're rich. The fact is we are not and just as our parents struggle, so do we"- Gerardo

"I think that people in general should be aware of these issues that we have going on in the world today" - Breanna

"It's crazy how the state we live in is, I have seen so many people paying with food stamps it begins to make you wonder" - Caitlin


women-infants-and-children-wic (USDA department for WIC informational)
housing-costs.aspx (Legislation Analysts Office)
calculating-the-real-cost-of-living-in-calfornia (How much does it really cost in California?) (WIC and SNAP website for information)

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