Monday, November 13, 2017

9-1-1 PLEASE HOLD...

Being prepared for an earthquake. 

Community members:

The following three community members feel roughly the same way when it comes to this topic. They acknowledge the severity of an earthquake and understand the importance of preparing for one; These community members seem to be prepared, if not, somewhat prepared for the upcoming disaster.

"I understand why preparing is a important thing, people are going to need help if an earthquake hits. So why just just try to help ourselves and each other as a community! thats why I have stored food, water, and other personal tools to help my family and myself survive."

"I got a ton of water, a ton of food, and a ton of protection. I know it's coming and you better believe I'm ready for it, son!"

 "I have a nice secret place to go when it all goes down. It isn't the top of the line, but it'll get the job done." 

Why does it matter to me?

This topic matters to me because I volunteer with my local fire department and in all reality, when the big one hits California thousand, if not millions, of lives will be affected. Emergency and first responders will be at bombarded with 9-1-1 calls to the point where there will not be enough first responders to help everyone, nor to help at a fast, prestigious timing. People not being prepared personally affects myself and the emergency personnel because for every family that is prepared, that is a family that may not be a victim, but rather, an asset, when it comes to help. When the day comes, every minute, and every resource will be utilized to the point where their wont be enough for everyone. So to summarize, start preparing, NOW! At any minute of any day, the big one can hit, and the question you need to ask yourself is; Am I ready?

Topic: People Should Be More Prepared for An Earthquake/National Disaster

            A. Attention getter: Imagine you are at home, spending nice quality time with your family. And then Boom! There is an earthquake at this very second. What exactly would you do? Are you prepared?

            B. Audience Relevance: We have all experienced at least one earthquake in our lifetime, and we will experience one more.

            C. My Credibility: I have survived an earthquake before and I have taken extensive training for 4 years on how to survive during and after an earthquake. Therefore, I am allowed to talk about this issue

            D. Thesis: Right now I will talk to you about the problems, causes and solutions we have that has to do with earthquake prevention.

            E. Preview of main points: I will execute thoroughly 2 problems that we have, 2 causes to those problems and the solutions that are available to solve these problems.

Transition; Now that I’ve provided you with my objectives and my plans on what I will share with you today, let’s get started

Main point 1 (problems)

            A. Sub point A: problem 1: In an article written for The Wall Street Journal web site published August 30, 2015 by Leslie Scism, a wall street journalist states that people just don’t know enough information not because its not out there, but because people don’t feel that it is important enough. Less than 15% of Californians can say that they are actually prepared for an earthquake and are ready. Earthquakes are very serious especially since we are overdue for the big one for more than 100 years now, but yet that isn’t enough to capture someone’s attention and actually make them prepare.

            B. Sub point B: problem 2: In an article written for the CDC web site published January 16, 2014 by Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response stated that people are unaware of what supplies are needed to be prepared during and after an earthquake. Another problem is that people believe that the supplies that are needed to be prepared are just downright “unnecessary”. And even some earthquake kits that are being sold out there aren’t even really effective unless you are willing to pay over $500 and most Americans will not invest their money in a serious issue such as this.

Transition: These two problems are crucial important issues that we need to break down and resolve. Let’s get into what causes these problems.

Main point 2 (causes)

            A. Sub point A: cause 1: In an article written for The United States Department of Labor with no publication date or publisher stated, states that people are not aware of the correct information for a couple of simple reasons. 1- over 50% of people are just not interested and wont even search the web for information about earthquakes and how to prepare. 2- there is a lot of false information out there that will actually hurt you rather than help you. For example; the “stand under a door way because it’s the strongest” is a Myth. It’s not true at all. A red cross employee that responded to a major earthquake disaster in Mexico City saw an entire building collapsed and all that remained was a doorframe. Therefore, he thought “that must be the safest place to be”. In effect of this the vast majority of American’s believe that this myth is true. A door way typically (sometimes) has a door in it. And when there is an earthquake, the door will move back and forth potentially hitting the person under it.

            B. Sub point B: cause 2: In an article written for CNN web site published August 27, 2013 by Kelly Wallace, a CNN journalist stated that although supplies that’ll help you survive an earthquake can be a bit pricy at times. Californians should invest some potion of their earning to earthquake supplies or just Disaster supplies in general because when your life is on the line, safety and being prepared shouldn’t be an option. It should be necessary. Supplies can be very pricy at times depending if you buy a package online or if you buy items individually but they are and investment to yourself and should be taken very seriously

Transition: The above mentioned causes are thee main roots. These roots are the reason why these problems exist. Now let’s get into the solutions that You can to do solve these problems yourself.

Main point 3 (solutions)

            A. Sub point A: solution 1: In an article written for with no publication date and no author stated, States that the best way to get information is by doing extensive research and by taking courses from CERT, which stands for Community Emergency Response Team. CERT is a program that will train you and prepare you for natural disasters and what to do when emergency personnel is not able to respond to you. If you are interested in becoming Cert certified and having life saving skills you can register at:

            B. Sub point B: solution 2: Not sure what to get? That’s why I am here. Get items you cannot live without such as Water, Food, and Medical Supplies. But Don’t just stop there, to have a effective plan you must begin with supplies. You should store theses supplies in a backpack and when you fill it up with only important supplies, it is called a Bug-out bag. Not sure what to put in your bag? That’s okay, we will create one now together. Number 1, have a backpack, put fresh new batteries in there with multiple flashlights, some MRE’S, emergency water,(try to get 21 bottles of water) and even life saver straw, ( if you are not sure what that is. It is a straw that allows you to drink water from anywhere because it filters out the water that you decide to drink) also have a set of clothes, cant forget medical supplies! and one of the most important things are to have all terrain shoes. Good shoes are a necessity because they are what carry us.  *This is just an example of a effective bug out bag. Now with the knowledge I provided to you, You can create and customize your own

Transition: With these solutions we are able to solve the problems that were presented. Now before I leave here today I want to restate some key points.


            A. Review thesis: I have explained to you the 2 main problems that we have about earthquake preparedness, and what you can do to solve these problems

            B. Review main points: Do you want to be prepared? Do so by doing extensive research, developing a disaster plan with a bug-out bag. And if needed take your CERT classes because when the natural disaster hits, you will at least have a better understanding on what needs to be done.

            C. Closer: I want to share some information with you. When the big one hits us, all our resources will be cut off completely. In other words, there will be no more water and fuel being transported into Los Angeles for at least 7 Months. 7 long months of anarchy in the streets…
Will you be ready?

Cite sources

Scism, Leslie. "California’s Earthquake Problem: People Aren’t Scared Enough About Them." The Wall Street Journal. N.p., 30 Aug. 2015. Web.
Copy & paste citation

"Being Prepared for an Earthquake." |Earthquakes. N.p., n.d. Web


Wallace, Kelly. "Your Family's Emergency Kit Is Probably a Disaster." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web.

"Earthquakes." N.p., n.d. Web.

Created by: Kevin Campos

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