Toxic Masculinity
What is Toxic Masculinity?
It can be defined as the harmful behavior and attitudes that are associated with men that have the need to suppress emotion or the need to act in an aggressively dominant way, something that has been taught from childhood.
The Cause
Many causes of toxic masculinity stems from childhood boys are told that since they are men they are the dominant and so should never show any emotion associated with weakness, to treat women as though they are inferior to them, and bully men who do the opposite of any of this things. Exposure of violence both at school and home can cause boys to believe that its okay to act that way because it been normalized.If boys should express emotions other than anger they are negatively compared to girls and are told such things as:
- Boys don’t cry!
- Man up!
- Don’t be such a baby!
- Don’t cry like a girl!
- Be a man—get over it!
- You throw like a girl!
Growing up men are constantly told to "man up" never being allowed to express their emotions other than anger, as children even when they get into fights or act disrespectful towards a girl and it simply would be brushed off with the saying "Boys will be boys" appropriating such actions that go well on into adulthood.
The Effects
~ Discouragement of Seeking Help: Due to the stigma of masculinity men are less likely than women to seek out mental health, having engraved in their way of thinking that "tough man" don't struggle with emotion so therefore they don't believe in getting help. Having to seek help is also viewed as a quickness so thy rather suffer in silence seeing this as the right choice.
~ Perpetuation of Rape Culture: The ability to have dominance over women is one of the main factor when it comes to toxic masculinity, one of the main ways dominance over women can be asserted is through sexual assault an harassment. They come to believe that it is their right to take what they want from women since they the dominant group.
~ Misogyny: Growing up in order to teach boys to act more masculine they are referred to girl in negative ways in order for them to act more manly. So as they grow up men come to see women as inferior to them, they now believe that women should do just as men say and never question it.Toxic masculinity encourages men to believe in a culture that put down men who act "feminine" but also puts down women.
Preventing Toxic Masculinity
~ Teach Equality: Show young boys that no matter what gender men or women they are equal and should be treated with respect, instead of making them believe "its in their nature" to act aggressively and dominant towards women. Adults should stop the excuse of young boys behavior with the belief "Boys will be boys" that way they can take responsibilities for their actions.
~ Stop Using Harmful Comments/Phrases: Young boys learn from their parents as they grow so it is important for parents to stop using and saying comments such as boys shouldn't cry or telling them to man up. Instead you should teach them that its okay to express oneself either it be sadness or joy and not allow violent and harmful behavior to slide just because they are males.
~ Having Classroom Discuss Teach About: Having teachers talk about it can give young men a further insight into gender roles as will as how bullying and behaviors will not be tolerated just because of their gender. Instead of allowing them to act out because its what boys do they should be taught that being male doesn't magically make it justifiable.
~ Media Representation: Encouraging the promotion of positive male roles models, for them to show young men that it is okay to ask for help, for them to fail, or even express themselves. Some of this positive male role models as well have been shown to hold other males responsible for their bad actions. Even commercials are way to bring into light the topic of toxic masculinity as well as its shouldn't be looked over.
Why It Matters To Me
Growing up I'd always remember seeing young boys get away with misbehaving being told that it was okay that they couldn't help it since it was in their nature. I never understood why is it okay for them to act that way but as I grew older I'd saw how much they would get away with just cause they where boys. Even experiencing it myself hearing boys tell me that I couldn't do things because I was a girl or that I was too weak to participate in certain sports and it would really make me upset to hear those things as well as see boys bully other boys because they didn't think the way they acted was masculine enough or at all. I chose this topic because I've grew up in a place where toxic masculinity was dominant and I really hated it I hated seeing the way women where treated and I hated seeing the way boys where constantly being verbally abused for acting "unmanly". I want people to learn about this topic and see how it can greatly affect young boys how it can cause them to turn into violent and aggressive people because they where never taught that its is completely acceptable to show emotion and to be weak.
Harmful masculinity and violence Understanding the connection and approaches to prevention. (2018, September). Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Levy, J. (2018, November 2). 5 "Toxic Masculinity" Phrases to Ban in Your Home. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Montero, H. A. (n.d.). Depression in Men: The Cycle of Toxic Masculinity. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Weiss, S. (2016, February 23). 6 Harmful Effects Of Toxic Masculinity. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Harmful masculinity and violence Understanding the connection and approaches to prevention. (2018, September). Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Levy, J. (2018, November 2). 5 "Toxic Masculinity" Phrases to Ban in Your Home. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Montero, H. A. (n.d.). Depression in Men: The Cycle of Toxic Masculinity. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Weiss, S. (2016, February 23). 6 Harmful Effects Of Toxic Masculinity. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Harmful masculinity and violence Understanding the connection and approaches to prevention. (2018, September). Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Levy, J. (2018, November 2). 5 "Toxic Masculinity" Phrases to Ban in Your Home. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Montero, H. A. (n.d.). Depression in Men: The Cycle of Toxic Masculinity. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Weiss, S. (2016, February 23). 6 Harmful Effects Of Toxic Masculinity. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Harmful masculinity and violence Understanding the connection and approaches to prevention. (2018, September). Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Levy, J. (2018, November 2). 5 "Toxic Masculinity" Phrases to Ban in Your Home. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Montero, H. A. (n.d.). Depression in Men: The Cycle of Toxic Masculinity. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Weiss, S. (2016, February 23). 6 Harmful Effects Of Toxic Masculinity. Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
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