Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Child Neglect-Iliana Amaya

Child Neglect 

Child neglect is a form of child abuse. This happen when a caregiver, parents or legal guardians do not take proper care of the child. This behavior could result in physical, emotional, mental or educational harm. Child neglect is not only base on mistreatment or molesting a child, neglect is basically a passive abuse.

For example:
* Leaving a kid alone in the car, even worse if the day is hot.
*Leaving the kid alone at home with not supervision on an adult.
* Not providing the child's need: food, cloths, medicines and more.

In the United States, 78.3% of child maltreatment victims suffered neglect with a comparison of a 18.3% physical abuse and 9.3% of people suffered sexual abuse. In 2012, over 2,200 children's died of abuse and neglect with a 70% of neglect being the bigger issue.
Survivors  had experience psychological issues over time, from attention and language deficits to reduced mental function to lower academic success.

Forms of Neglect

Physical Neglect 
Physical is one of the most common forms that occurs, involving failure to provide for basic physical needs of the child, such as food, shelter, clothing and even sanitary living conditions. A person can be found guilty if she or he fails to supervise the child or abandons as a matter of days or weeks.

Educational Neglect
Refuse to enroll the child in a school, encourages or allow the child to not attend school. This situation usually happens with families with low income, preferring to reduce the cost of tuition or using the kids to bring an extra income to the house.

Psychological or Emotional Neglect
This form has a wide variety of behaviors, such as name calling, humiliations, lack of affection, ignore basics needs, and threatening serious punishment. Most of the time this kind of behaviors are hard to track, since is seeing as parents being occasionally frustrated. On the other hand, isolating behavior like not letting the child to relate to other people or guiding then to use drugs, alcohol or do actions that might compromise their education to the future.

Medical Neglect
Nor providing medical care to the child or denying the opportunity for treatment.

How Child Neglect Effects 

Most children that suffer neglects have difficulties, cognitive deficits, emotional? behavioral problems and physical consequences as a result. The neglectful behavior the child experiences will contribute to the difficulties and formation of their development and growth in the future. Anxiety and Impulse-Control Disorders could be a greater risk in the future.

What Can You Do?
If you witness to child neglect or aware when is happening, you should report to your local child services authority.
In 18 states, if you witness child neglect by law you have to report it. If you do not report, you will find your self guilty of misdemeanor.

State Law
In some states child neglect is count as a separate crime to abuse but in other states are considered part of child abuse.
Teachers, counselors, clergy and physicians are mandated to report in case child neglect is being found. In case of failure to report or false report will be punishable by fine or jail sentence.

State Procedure: California
Step 1: Make a call it could be anonymous
Child help National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453
Step 2: The authorities will ask for additional information  the determine the credibility of the allegations.
Step 3: Child Protective Services Worker will begin an investigation.

At this point Social Services will take over by investigating more about child, speaking with the relatives that are involve in the child's life.


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