Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Need for Renewable and Alternative Energy

The Need For Renewable and Alternative Energy

History of Energy

Renewable Energy is "energy from sources that are naturally replenishing but flow-limited; renewable resources are virtually inexhaustible in duration but limited in the amount of energy that is available per unit of time."

Before the idea and research of renewable energy, there was an energy source that has 

changed not only mankind but the whole Earth's life and history as we know it.

The most influential energy source we have used through most of recorded history is the use of Fossil Fuels. Fossil fuels have changed Earth's history and way of life as we know it for both good and bad. Fossil fuels had given us what we fundamental know as nearly irreplaceable and massively influential; electricity, oil , and plastics. 
The Earth is approximately 4.5 million years old but, human civilization as we know it has been  only been around 6,000 years, and the industrialization period only began in the 1800s. The discovery and use of fossil fuels has unnaturally effected more of Earth's history and environment than any other event in its history.

This can be seen as a massive claim, how can only 200 years of human history and use of fossil fuels be more impactful than any other event known on Earth? Scientific research and data however has been able to prove this claim.

What Do We Know

Coal, natural gas and oil are the main foundations of fossil fuels that we have used to power modern society as we know it. Fossil fuel consumption has increased to nearly 12 Gigatonnes of oil globally which is approximately 24 trillion lbs. of oil per year.

Now, why does this matter and how does it affect us?

To put it in context, using this graph:

          1. 1 Gigajoule of Coal emits 90 kg of Carbon Dioxide
          2. 1 Gigajoule of Oil emits 70 kg of Carbon Dioxide
          3. 1 Gigajoule of Natural Gas 50 kg of Carbon Dioxide
In 2018 the total U.S. primary energy consumption per person (or per capita consumption) was about 309 million British thermal units (Btu). 

1 Btu is equal to about 1.05 x 10^-6 Gigajoules. This means that in the United States alone, 309 million Btu equals 326 Gigajoules. 
The average of 70 kg multiplied by 326  GJ equals 22,820 kg of Carbon dioxide emission.

To put that in context each person in the United States alone creates about  22,820 kg or 50,000 lbs. of CO2 emissions which weighs as much as 1.25 greyhound buses. In total the U.S. alone can create around 7.5 trillion kg or 16.5 trillion lbs. of CO2 emissions every year. That is Insane!
Greyhound bus offering free tickets home to runaway children ...
Now what does Carbon Dioxide do to the Earth? CO2 is a greenhouse gas which warms the Earth, creating a blanket in our atmosphere trapping the solar heat and radiation given off from the sun. 

What Greenhouse Emissions Cause 

  • Our world heats up causing polar ice caps to melt 
  • An increase in the amount and devastation of natural disasters
  • Both droughts and floods
  • A chain reaction in an increase in diseases, impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems,  wildfires, sea level rise etc.
Through out Earth's history there has been a natural carbon cycle from the time Earth formed its first atmosphere up till now and the forseeable future. However, according to NASA, CO2 levels continue to rise at an abnormal level far beyond the usual carbon rise. We may soon reach a climax on how much the Earth can withstand until it can take no more and soon wreak havoc across the world

Why do we need Alternative Energy

Why is this a social issue? This is a community, city, state, country, and world issue, but it starts with a single person. We desperately need an alternative to Fossil Fuels if we want to continue to live on this Earth not just for us living here currently but for the future generation. By scientist's estimates we have until 2050 to really make a difference and reverse course on our path to a uncertain and terrifying future. 

We all can play our part by understanding what can be done. As a striving industrial engineer, I believe one of the best courses of action is replacing and finding alternative energy from our current societies use of fossil fuels. 

Current available energy sources are solar, wind, biomass, hydrogen, geothermal, and hydropower. These are the energy source that are well known, but due to how ingrained and necessary fossil fuels are for our everyday need, we seldom rely on them due to to convenience and ease of fossil fuels. 

Using Renewable and Alternative Energy can:

  • Help reduce the Greenhouse gases we produce
  • Create more economic opportunity and development
  • Provide us with a near inexhaustible energy source compared to the limited fossil fuels
  • Improve world health by reducing pollution from the air, sea, and land.

The main reason why there is such a small amount of backing for renewable and alternative energy is due to a few factors:

  • Renewables are currently not at the profitability level of fossil fuels
  • Alternatives and renewables require more research, development and monetary backing compare to oil
  • Alternatives are currently in its infant and adolescent stage of technology and research due to resources and money
  • And the main reason is because of how ingrained and necessary in society fossil fuels are used in our everyday lives

Only about 11 percent of the energy consumption of the United States is from renewable energy while the rest 89 percent is all fossil fuels. We need to make a more combined and forceful effort to one day phase out all the fossil fuel systems.

This is in the U.S. alone, other countries have cut their CO2 levels and fossil fuel consumption to amazing levels but it is not enough.

Why does it matter to me

Alternatives and Renewables are not the cure all medicine we need but it can stop the bleeding. There more factors such as driving and traveling less, reducing the amount of trash and waste we create, and cleaning up the environment. However, it wont matter if the energy, the thing we use to survive everyday is not changed from its archaic ways.

We are in desperate need to convince governments and major business companies that the switch from fossil fuels can create a domino effect that can save not just us but our future as human beings.

It is a civic engagement and our civic duty, not only our civic duty but our responsibility as intelligent living beings on this planet to do anything from convincing our government, to studying and working for an energy efficient future, to simply reducing the amount of CO2 we put in the atmosphere.

It is possible to work for a renewable alternative future by simply understanding how the technology and science we have and know can reduce the amount of pollution, Greenhouse gases, and trash we make.


Energy, Environment, and Climate 3rd edition



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