Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Climate Change, A Problem for All

Climate Change, A Problem for All

         Climate change is the most relevant issue in are modern day because it affects everyone. Climate change is not specific to any demographic or race and everyone contributes to it. However everyone could do their part to prevent it. If we don't take it seriously the planet will still be here but all of us and life will not be.

Causes: the main cause of climate change is Greenhouse gases that causes global warming.
             Deforestation and the Burning of fossil fuels causes increased amounts of carbon dioxide.
             The livestock industry causes increased amounts of methane gases.
This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct  measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased  since the Industrial Revolution.  (Source: [[LINK||||NOAA]])
Effects: the effects of climate changes are catastrophic to everyone and everything on the planet earth. Humans aren't the only inhabitants  of planet earth and even the animals are being hurt and affected. 
         Sea glaciers are melting and are greatly affecting sea life and the polar bears in the arctic. which in result is also causing a rise in sea levels. this in return results in extreme weather such as hurricanes which are becoming more devastating to coastal communities and causing deaths every year. 

According to Climate.NASA the average global temperature has increased by 2 degrees fahrenheit since the 20th century.

Solution: the answer is not simple and we need our governments of the world to step up start funding the science behind climate change starting with Clean Energy such as solar power. However all of us as citizens of earth could do are part. we could try to reduce are impact by simple acts such as not wasting water or using reusable water bottles. We could take bigger steps in are lifestyle such as having a solar panels or driving a electric car. 

State-of-the-art climate model shows how we can solve crisis

“Climate Change Evidence: How Do We Know?” NASA, NASA, 30 Dec. 2019,
Emanuel, Kerry. “Global Warming Effects on U.S. Hurricane Damage.” Global Warming Effects on U.S. Hurricane Damage: Weather, Climate, and Society: Vol 3, No 4,

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