Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Arlene Macias- Human trafficking

What is Human Trafficking?
The term "Human Trafficking" include transportation, reception of persons, resorting to
the threat or use of force or other forms of kidnapping, fraud, cheating, abuse of power. Human trafficking is understood as the process by which an individual is subjected to an exploitation situation with spirit to extract from it an economic benefit. Trafficking can take place within a country or on cross-border movement. Men, women and children can be trafficked for different purposes, including they forced labor and sexual exploitation and forced marriage. It affects all regions of the world and countries.
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Human trafficking is a crime and a human rights violation. It involves the recruitment, movement and taking advantage of a person. Human Trafficking affects to women, men and children but is most likely to a female than less likely to a male. One point is there some trade and enslavement of human beings in the 21st century. The trafficking of women and children pulls in an estimated $99 billion each year. In September 2017, there was a high rate on trafficking that have ranged on the International Labor Organization (ILO) 24.9 million men, women, and children were victims of human trafficking around the globe.

Many of the people who are today victims of human trafficking were deceived by people they knew whether is by a family member, boy/girl friend or even by friends. You can become a victim of human trafficking, there are many measures we can take to prevent and prevent our loved ones. Permanently in the entire world there an average about 24.9 million of people who are being victims of human trafficking. They are forced to perform forced labor. According to data from the UN (United Nation), 51 percent of victims are women while another 20 percent are girls, in total for women and young girls is 71 percent of victims. Trafficking in children represents between 15% and 20% of victims, approximately.

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  • Based from the International Labor Organization (ILO), there is an average of 24.9 million of people who are being victims of human trafficking.
  • A victim cost is over $90
  • Most people were not aware from this kind of danger due to low socioeconomic status, countries and region.
  • Human trafficking can involved to Labor Trafficking or Sex Trafficking
Human rights most affected by trafficking
• The prohibition of discrimination based on race, color, religion, national or social origin
• The right to life
• The right to freedom and security
• The right not to be subjected to slavery or forced labor 
• The right not to be subjected to torture and / or cruel, inhuman treatment or punishment
• The right not to suffer gender violence
• The right to freedom of movement
• The right of the child to special protection

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United States and in California, Los Angeles 
  • According to U.S Department over 600,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year and people are being victims by the age 18 and over
  • This has estimated that females are at higher risk than male 
  • San Francisco and San Diego has the highest rate of child sex trafficking with high numbers of childhood
  • The average age for these exploitation for young girls is 12 to 14 years old and for boys approximately by the age 11 to 13 years old.
  • This can cause a problem to victims with diseases or infection or become suicide.
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How does this affect me?
Human trafficking not only affects the person to whom the damage is done, but is also the people around them such like family, friends or locality. They live with fear and horrible things can happen, including death; besides that they fear that another member from a family, friendships or locality comes to pass the same thing or something similar with what the person has gone through. The family, and especially the parents are left with the hope of knowing a minimum of them, even if they are destroyed, they are still struggling to find their son/daughter.

What are your thoughts/opinions towards human trafficking?

Karen Silvia
Human trafficking is the human trade for sexual activities and exploitation which is an inhumane act. I know it happens around the world mostly in the third world countries because sometimes the security or law enforcement is corrupted and responsible. And from what I know it is mostly children and women. In the US, I think it is less occurring but there are stories and documentaries on YouTube about it.
Ariana Covarrubias
Well my views on human trafficking is that it is absolutely inmoral and unhuman and that no individual should have to do something they don't desire to do. I view human trafficking as an issue that society has and unfortunately will continue to have until the laws and rights are strictly enforced.
Yanet Gambao
Human Trafficking is the trade of humans for exploitation. It is problem that has got to stop. Innocent people get captured and are sent somewhere else to get exploited. It is sad to see many children involved in this type of situation. Many of the times they get children because it is easier to traffic drug through them. I think its situation ongoing problem but many people don't know about it or after searching for someone missing for so long they just forget.
Berenice Aragon Human trafficking is a world war issues. The concept can be seen as slavery because women and men can be put into labor as an obligation. The person who has them in captivation is seen as the person in charge of them, one way or another. The person uses hard measures on the person or people in a way to have power over them. Human trafficking takes away the rights of the person or the people who are to be part of human trafficking. Majorly of the labor they are force to do is doing sexual activities but the income the person who is force to do does not get part of the money or some of it, but the majority of it goes to the person who forces the labor on the person.


Brinlee, M. (2018, August 24). 13 Sex Trafficking Statistics That Put The Worldwide Problem Into Perspective. Retrieved from https://www.bustle.com/p/13-sex-trafficking-statistics-that-put-the-worldwide-problem-into-perspective-9930150

11 Facts About Human Trafficking | dosomething.org | Volunteer for Social Change. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-human-trafficking

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