Friday, December 9, 2016

Cyber Bullied in the LGBT Community

            For this project I decided to do something that involves more the community of the internet, more specifically cyber bullying resolving the LGTB community. I spend many of my time on the internet and as part of the LGBT community I had witness many cyber bullying occurring to my friends many times. It still hurts to know they are experiencing this while I am bisexual, but had not been bully because of my sexuality despite being open about it. My friends only received hateful words anonymously rather than any other serious matters. LGBT affects my community because it heavily hurts their self-esteem and may cause harm to the victims either doing poorly in school or committing suicide.

            According to Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), they have stated that 42 percent of the LGBT youth have experience cyber bullying, and 58 percent had negative words spoken to and about them online. That is a pretty high percentage regarding to cyber bullying and specifically the latter because when harmful words are spoken to or about them it misleading information to spread. And many who reads these harmful words, and do not know anything about the person may just believe on such fact. Which then would lead the future bullies to actually turn a blind eye for the victim in need or participate in the bullying. 

            A research by Sameer Hinduja and Justin Patchin they had created their own survey and discovered “…over 72% of LGBT students reported being the  target  of  a  bully  at  some point in their lifetime compared to 63% of heterosexual students.” As they had also received the results of LGBT student reporting their experience came out to be almost twice as many experience of cyber bullying compare heterosexual students, leading to a 36.1% vs. 20.1%.

            I created my own research with the help of using social media such as twitter and tumblr. I had first ask regarding if many are aware that cyber bullying occur within the LGBT youth community outside of the internet First this is the results I’ve receive from people outside of the internet, 33% of yes and 67% of no, out of the 14 participant I’ve collect, which is a shocking discovery to me. My discovery of asking people within the internet lead to be 86% of yes and 14% of no, out of the 64 voluntary participants. Then the next question I’ve asked through the community of the internet if they are being cyber bullied. About 55% of yes and they are part of the LGBT, 20% of yes and non-LGBT, 10% of no and LGBT 15% of no and non-LGBT, out of the 55 voluntary participants that said yes to the previous question. 

            Sadly, the participants do not want have their pictures released on the internet. Mostly the people I’ve collected through the internet due to the fact they fear about their friends, family, or anyone else discovering their sexuality. I had the feeling the vast majority would not participate in wanting their picture displayed, however, I would still like to know how many people are being affected by cyber bullying.

Marra, A.  Out Online: The Experiences of LGBT Youth on the Internet. Retrieved from
Hinduja, S. Ph.D.,  Patchin W., J. Ph.D. Cyberbullying Research Summary. Retrieved from

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