Thursday, December 1, 2016

Legalize marijuana


When it comes to the topic about marijuana, it does not attract positive attention with a majority of people. In the year 2016, through my perspective it is very easy to get marijuana now. But yet people are going to jail for long periods of time with rapest and murders over a drug that is beyond easily obtainable. When people say marijuana can be a gate way drug to other possibly bad drugs, I do not deny that, but what do people have to say about those who drink and turn in to alcoholics. Drinking alcohol has the same effects as marijuana in a sense because they both impair you from "being yourself". The only difference is that marijuana has the possiblilty too help in the medical field. Instead of taking people to jail we should make laws, just like alcohol where you cant drive under influence of the drug obviously. Or you cant have it in public just like drinking in public, only in desginated areas. The list can go on about making laws. Marijuana is being supplied to those who are sick but I feel like there is a restriction too what we can get from it and we can go even further with its purposes. We can get so much more of a positive effect for legalizing marjuana rather then keeping it the way it is. It would clear space in jails, we can tax marijuana, explore its uses freely, clear up drug dealers who sell it, reduce crime over it and so on.

Why Should We Legalize?
Reduce harm the criminalization of marijuana use disproportionately harms young people and people of color, sponsors massive levels of violence and corruption, and fails to curb youth access.
Create jobs legalizing and regulating marijuana will bring one of the nation's largest cash crops under the rule of law. This will create jobs and economic opportunities in the formal economy instead of the illicit market. Save money scarce law enforcement resources will be better used to ensure public safety while reducing corrections and court costs. State and local governments would acquire significant new sources of tax revenue from regulating marijuana sales.
Promote consumer safety marijuana product testing is becoming a standard requirement for legalized marijuana markets. This means consumers are better informed about the marijuana they use. Instead of choosing the negative from what marijuana brings.


My cousin who use marijuana uses it for medical purposes and it helps him get through the day. But he still hassles with the police because it is illegal. So at certain times he has to be careful when he really shoudlnt be.

One of my friends uses marijuana but he uses supposedly for stress. The thing is that people think he doesnt do anything but smoke but he works and functions like a normal person. The image people get from people who smoke are not true in some cases.

                                                               Works cited

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