Sunday, April 16, 2023

Homelessness Crisis In LA

    Homeless Crisis in LA by Geovany Oliva

What is "homelessness"?
Definition of homeless is individual or family who lacks fixed residence, living in emergency shelters, or places not meant for habitation. It can also include individuals or family that is close to losing their primary residence with no support or resources to obtain housing.

What causes Homelessness?
  • Lack of Affordable Housing
  • Unemployment
  • Running away
  • Substance abuse and Mental Illness
  • Poverty
Homelessness has been an issue in Los Angeles and there are many factors that have contributed to the increase of people with no homes. The rising costs of living and the affordability of renting or owning a home has increased in recent years. Especially now during the pandemic when people were laid off or had their hours cut making ends meet was a hard struggle. Now Los Angeles is considered to have the largest population of homeless people in the country.

There has been a 4.1% increase in people experiencing homelessness from 2020 to 2022. LA County says one of the main reasons is the severe lack of affordable housing. That the availability has actually decreased.
The other reason homelessness is occurring is the cost of living in Los Angeles continues to increase and the wages or salaries are not increasing with it. The cost of housing is 19% higher when comparing it to the state average. The average monthly rent in Los Angeles is close to $2,600.

Why this issue is important to me?
I was born and raised in Los Angeles. My mom raised me and my sister in a small studio and most she ever paid was $1,000. Now in 2022 that same building is renting out studios for $1,800. I believe it has gotten very expensive to live in this city and wages are not rising with the cost of living. I meet people that have to work 2 jobs or have side jobs in order to make ends meet. I have also known people who lost their home being unable to pay and started living in their car. During the pandemic there was renters forgiveness programs but as it comes to the end landlords started pushing people out. People struggle with having a stable home and I think the more awareness there is = more funding there can be for programs that help with that. In increasing support, there can be more stability in homes for those in need or even prevent those at risk for homelessness from ever reaching that critical point.

Ways to get Involved
  • Volunteer
  • Donate to the homeless initiatives 
  • Attend forums or meetings that relate to Homelessness
  • Advocate for more affordable housing 
Boris Morales (35)
"It is very unfortunate to see our city which should be giving more help to those at risk or have mental health issues."

Jennifer Cruz (36)
"It is sad since shelters are overwhelmed and a lot of shelters do not have room to accommodate people who have pets."
Pedro Soriano (22)
"Growing up in LA we should not think it's okay to walk around the city and pass homeless people that need our help."

Our Challenge – Homeless Initiative. (n.d.). Homeless Initiative.

Homelessness in Los Angeles: A unique crisis demanding new solutions. (2023, March 24). McKinsey & Company.

Get Involved - Los Angeles Mission. (2022, February 25). Los Angeles Mission.

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