Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Asian Hate Crimes During Covid-19

 Asian Hate Crimes During COVID-19

What does civic engagement mean?

Civic engagement means participating in activities intended to improve the quality of life in one’s community by addressing issues of public concern, such as homelessness, pollution, or food insecurity, and developing the knowledge and skills needed to address those issues.

What are hate crimes?

A crime, typically one involving violence, that's motivated by prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds.

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus also known as Covid-19 is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (WHO). It directly affects an individual's respiratory system, causing headaches, vomiting, loss of taste/smell, congestion, difficulty breathing, and much more (CDC). Symptoms can range from mild to severe and spread from an infected person's mouth/nose when they speak, sneeze, or even breathe. 

How does this issue affect me?

I am half-Asian from my mother's side of the family. After hearing about the terrible crimes and hate of the Asian community, it makes me fear for my family members such as my grandma, who is vulnerable. Knowing that she may be attacked just because of her race makes me scared for her safety. 

How do these crimes affect the community?

Coronavirus first appeared in China in 2019, however, the first recorded case of Covid-19 in the United States was on January 20th, 2020. Since then, the percentage of hate crimes against the Asian community has increased by 145% in the 16 largest cities in 2020 (Han, Riddell, Piquero). In fact, former President Donald Trump's insensitive tweet that called Covid-19 the "Chinese Virus" was linked to an increase in Asian hate (Kurtzman). With the oncoming wave of hate, Asian Americans began to face verbal and physical abuse from others, these included using racial slurs or violent attacks. This affects the Asian community because it may refrain them from going in out public and doing normal day-to-day tasks. 

People affected by Asian hate crimes 

Danielle Adlao 
"After hearing about the hate crimes against the Asian community, it made me afraid that someone might do something to my mom. She works as a nurse in the hospital, therefore she can be very vulnerable while assessing patients."

Marie Villasin
"I feel afraid for my grandparents because I have seen the news of elders getting physically abused. My grandparents are vulnerable and don't deserve any of this, especially when they had nothing to do with it."

Arvin Batatan



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