Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Homelessness and COVID-19 in Los Angeles



Statistics show that in 2020, homelessness has risen by 12.7%, 66,433 people in Los Angeles are experiencing homelessness.


Stats were taken from


Current COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles are 305,070 with 7,044 deaths and there are 750 people hospitalized as of 10/29/2020


Stats were taken from


Homelessness in Los Angeles affects me directly because I live in a community where the homeless population has noticeably and dramatically increased. It makes me sad to see that we live in a county, where you see frequently see new faces in the homeless encampments. It makes me wonder why in Los Angeles, homeless numbers are increasing instead of decreasing. I have always sympathized with the homeless population and their struggles, not having warm meals, shelter to keep warm during the cold winters and a place to cool off during the hot summers is astounding. But now with COVID-19 on the rise, how are homeless people going to prevent contracting and being exposed to COVID-19, when they don’t even have a place to sanitize, access clean water, soap, clean face masks, and not be exposed to others people that have COVID-19. In the area where I live, within a 10-mile radius, I counted about 7 homeless encampments. Out of those 10 encampments, I have only seen one hand washing station, because it was near a hospital. As a community, we need to protect everyone against COVID-19, especially homeless people. They are already going through difficult and unfortunate circumstances, and now they have to add staying Covid-19 free to their plate. We need to reach out and offer resources and assistance to keep everyone safe and healthy.



Homelessness and COVID-19 are important issues, when the pandemic began, hearing how contagious and deadly the Coronavirus was, my initial thoughts were, how are we  going all stay safe and healthy, when there are people without homes to isolate themselves with resources to help themselves stay clean and sanitized. This pandemic is extra hard on them. No person should be looked down on or treated differently for not having access to something so simple as washing their hands. With restrictions being lifted and more people out in public, it exposes everyone and increases the possibility of contracting COVID-19, we have to do our best and help support provide resources for the homeless population.


1.) How has your understanding of civic engagement changed by participating in this



My initial understanding of what civic engagement was, that it was making a difference in your community, by giving back to help improve the future of the public.

After completing this assignment, civic engagement has a different meaning, not only does it have to do with ones physical engagement in the community, one also has to be empathetic with the social issues and social needs in those communities. Social issues the social issues that require change, we change these by creating awareness, even if it is through a blog post to help create change.


2.) Were you surprised at the number of people you found in your community who were also affected by the same social issue? Did you expect more? Less?


Homelessness and COVID-19 is a social issue currently affecting all homeless Angelenos. Every day, as we hear of the rise of COVID-19 cases, I wonder what those numbers look like in homeless encampments looks like, COVID-19 puts us all at risk, we have access to tests, health care, medicine. For those who don’t have access to shelter to keep themselves quarantined and sanitized, increases the chances of contracting and/or coming in contact with someone with COVID-19.  


3.) Did you face any challenges while going out into your community and asking people if they were affected by the social issue?


Because COVID-19, is highly contagious, it is very difficult to go out in public and have a face-to-face conversion with strangers, friends, and even family members.  


4.) Did you receive any feedback from a community member that was surprising to you?


I asked friends and family what their opinions were on COVID-19 and how it was affecting the homeless population and most of their responses were about what county officials are doing to reach out and support/assist them. Their main concern, was who was checking in on all of these homeless people, to make sure that they are okay if they need medical attention if they needed supplies/materials. Before COVID-19, there were several homeless shelters open for people to go and warm meals, many of these shelters have closed. The ones that were allowed to remain open, were for drive-up pickup, unfortunately because not all people have cars, they do not have access to these meals.


5.) If you were to redo this assignment, would you change anything?


Statistics are never accurate, hearing things second-hand from the news, and T.V. isn’t always accurate. I would have loved to go out in my community and speak to and interview people who are struggling with homelessness and COVID-19. To find out what their concerns are, what their needs are, and how to help them.


6.) Do you feel as though you were successful in your presentation? Do you feel as though members of your surrounding community and the outlying community will be affected by your blog post?


I personally feel that my post will connect with members of my community because it’s a topic that has been ignored by the media. We all have to remember that we are all going through tough times, some of us have lost loved ones, our jobs, work hours have been reduced, we cannot afford to pay for food, bills, some are having difficulty making mortgage/rent payments next month. It is important that we all help each other during these difficult times, we can start, by helping bring awareness for those in need, because their health and their well-being affects us also.


7.) Do you have any other closing comments you wish to make about this assignment?



This was a very interesting topic to discuss, this has been an ongoing problem and adding a pandemic to it, makes it worst. Homeless people are often looked down on and often ignored, with everything going on in the world right now, this has never been more true. I hope to continue to bring awareness and post updates for those who would like to know more about what is going on.


Works Cited

LA County Department of Public Health,


Scott, Anna. “Homelessness In Los Angeles County Rises Sharply.” NPR, NPR, 12 June 2020,

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