Monday, July 8, 2019

Magdalena arciniega- keep abortion safe and legal

Keep Abortion Safe and Legal!!!


Why should abortions be legal?

  • No one has the right to tell women what to do with their body, specially men, PERIOD!

But this isn't about stopping abortions, this is about exerting control and instilling fear!


Why women have abortions?

  • 0.36% of abortions done to save the life or health of the mother (5,200 per year)
  • 0.09% done in cases of rape or incest (1,300 abortions per year)
  • 0.24% done for fetal birth defects (3,470 per year)
  • 0.69% done for all the hard cases combined (9,970 per year)
  • 99.31% of all abortions are therefore performed for social or economic reasons

How can the government help reduce abortions?
Simple give women what they need to survive financially and socially as mothers:
  • Inexpensive, readily available childcare,
  • Have workplace or school that acknowledges the needs of mothers,
  • Providing flexible scheduling and maternity leave,
  • State support that helps to reintegrate a woman into the workforce,
  • Gender inequality contributes to this issue.
In addition to that
  • Fund planning initiatives,
  • Teach sex education,
  • Make sure people have access to contraceptives,
  • work to stop sexual abuse and assault,
  • make sure that every baby could have enough food, shelter and medical care.
Potential consequences 
Many are not ready or are not financially stable to raise a child. 
These are some consequences that can come from an unstable parent keeping a child
  •  Many will place their child for adoption,
  •  Many will neglect their child
  •  Many will abandon their child,
  •  and many children will be born with health problems due to alcohol or drug use. 
Cops finding an abandon new born in the alley has been a topic of discussion on the news and It wouldn't be a surprise if we start hearing about more similar cases if abortion is ban. The reality is that women know if they can or cannot handle raising a child, therefore, women should have the right to decide what they think it is best. Many times abortions seem like the best decision and we all need to respect that. 

Why it matters to me
As a woman I appreciate any advice or concerns regarding abortion but at the end of the day it is my body, it is my right and I decide what to do with it. I was in shock when I heard that Alabama legislators passed a bill banning abortion with very limited exceptions. This will affect everyone in some way! We might not be going through it now but we never know if someday abortion might be an option for ourselves, our kids, friends or family. Regardless if we don't agree with it we need to respect boundaries and others decisions. I happen to know some people that have had abortions, I have been supportive. Her own sister didn't necessarily agreed with it because in her house hold she had a difficult time conceiving. That is exactly why it hurt her to find out that her own sister was considering abortion. She had to put personal feelings to the side and hear her sister out. Individuals sometimes have to do things that they are not comfortable with because they know that they can't give that child a good life. Many individuals get abortions for obvious reasons. 

Individuals in my community

Johnny Cruz

"I have a daughter with down-syndrome and it never crossed my mind to tell my ex to have an abortion because of that. As of now I haven't personally been affected by an abortion issue but I'm for it because at the end of the day women should have the ability to have a voice. I don't think it is right that others want to take that right away." 

Melissa Macias

"I am affected by this banning abortion issue simply because I am a woman and it's my right to do whatever I wish with my body. I think that women should be able to have an abortion as long as it is not late term."

Sharron Matthews 

"This banning abortion issue has impacted me and I was very upset to hear that other states are also trying to ban abortion! No one has the right to tell me or anyone what to do with our body. I am a single mother of two and I had an abortion before. I never asked the government to help me with anything, I work two jobs in order for me to be able to have a roof over my kids head. It hasn't been easy at all that is why I decided to have an abortion. I knew I had to get an abortion because I wasn't going to be able to financially care for another child. It hurt but I knew that was the best thing to do at that time. People judge so easily not knowing what single mothers go through."  

Ernesto Velez 

"My sister is a meth addict and gave birth to a meth addicted baby. When she told me she was pregnant my parents sat her down and we discussed how would she take care of her baby and that she needed to acknowledge her drug problem. I kindly told her that if she thought abortion was an option I would support her decision. Unfortunately my parents decided for her, abortion was not going to be an option. My sister wanted to have an abortion because she knew she had a problem but felt like she couldn't because of what our parents had told her. My sister was still on meth and gave birth to a meth addicted baby. My niece was taken from the hospital by DCFS, it has been over a year and my sister hasn't been able to get her back because she is still using meth. I had a feeling this would happen that is why I had to mentioned abortion. My parents didn't bother to take in my niece even though they are the ones who told my sister not to have an abortion. Cases like my sister's are extremely sad. This is exactly why abortion should be legal and no one has the right to tell anyone what to do with their body. A decision like that should be up to the person who will go under the procedure. Some people are just not in their right mind to be parents. My niece is the one suffering from this, getting passed on from home to home in the foster system." 

Eddie Chavez

"I think abortion should remain legal. I think it should be Women’s decision whether to continue with a pregnancy or not. There’s many cases where women are raped, there’s many child rapist also who get young girls pregnant neither should have to be obligated to continue with a pregnancy they don’t wish to. There are also medical test that can be done to determine if a child will be born with medical problems, that can be very stressful for people especially those that have financial burdens or lack support from family. As a father of two girls I wouldn’t want my daughters to feel forced to bear children they aren’t ready to take care of, if abortion is their choice even after they know they have my full support to care for their children then I will also support them if they choose to terminate their pregnancy. Men are allowed to do as they please with their bodies whether it’s a vasectomy or penis enlargement, why place restrictions on women."

Desiree gaytan 

"A woman's right to quality and accessible healthcare should be everyone's concern, and certainly mine as a working class woman of color. The attempts by colonial state institutions in the U.S. to outlaw abortions are essentially attempts to take away my bodily autonomy, my right to dictate decisions over my own body, health and family planning. The outlawing of abortions joins a legacy of state violence against the bodies of women of color. If we turn to history, we must acknowledge how slave owners forced black women to give birth to children for the purpose of having more slaves so to exploit them for their labor. In more recent history, we can also turn to the Mexican women who were forcibly sterilized without their consent in the 60s and 70s in Los Angeles. We must further complicate the issue of access to and the right to abortions past gender to include race, ethnicity, class, citizenship and other identities to highlight how this is not simply a "woman's" issue, rather this is an issue about who really gets to choose how and when to raise a family and who gets to do it in a healthy and thriving way through the freedom of self autonomy."


Halfmann, D. dhalfmann@ucdavis. ed. (2019). Political Institutions and the Comparative Medicalization of Abortion. Journal of Health & Social Behavior60(2), 137.

Ralph, L. J., Schwarz, E. B., Grossman, D., & Foster, D. G. (2019). Self-reported Physical Health of Women Who Did and Did Not Terminate Pregnancy After Seeking Abortion Services: A Cohort Study. Annals Of Internal Medicine.

Sawchuk, S. (2019). Los Angeles School Board Takes Stand on Abortion. Should It? Education Week38(34), 6–7. Retrieved from

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