Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Cell Phone Addiction (Michael Carino)

Cell Phone Addiction - Michael Carino

ART 3170 Section 2

A technological lifestyle 

We live in a world where humanity has embraced technology into their lives. We heavily rely on technology to do certain things but the most important device that we primarily use every single day is our cell phones. It's pretty much a lifestyle where we use our cell phones for literally everything. From calling your mom to looking up the best restaurants in LA to using google maps, ordering food, to even playing games like Pokemon go, etc. I guarantee that you are reading this blog on your cellphone right now. Ok maybe not. The important thing is that the cell phone has revolutionized our lifestyle. In the past, the cell phone was only used to call a person but now it can do most of the things that a computer can do. The creation of the cellphone is a unique device but what did it cost?

Mobile Devices - A resource or a distraction

Our mobile devices have become an important tool for calling and texting other people. It is our main source of communication. Our phones connect us to different sources such as news, the internet, and social media. These platforms allow us to receive information and become aware of what is going on. Our cell phones feed on information which is why phones are the number one most used piece of tech. According to Vandana Goswami & Dr. Divya Rani Singh, in their article titled "Impact of mobile phone addiction on adolescent's life: A literature review", they talk about how the "mobile phone is considered as an important tool and has become a necessary social accessory". Our cell phone is a unique device that allows us to become informed and to educate ourselves about the world. All of these things are resources that our phones allow us to do but the only problem is that we do not take advantage of it. Instead, we use it for other purposes such as streaming YouTube videos, creating til-toks, looking at advertisements, online shopping, watching Netflix, etc. We become distracted and eventually, we do not get the tasks we are supposed to get done. Pretty soon, our phones are more important than our priorities or tasks.  

What is Cell-phone addiction?

Cell phone addiction is described as a compulsive or overuse behavior of a mobile device. Individuals constantly check their phones for any notifications or messages that they receive. Usually, when someone is addicted to their phones, they spend more time on their phone instead of interacting with other people such as friends or family. They tend to be less aware of what is happening around them and only focus on what's on the screen. This device was purposely designed for the user to have difficulties putting their device down. According to Suzette Gomez, in her article titled "Phone Addiction: Warning Signs & Treatments", she says that "There are over 3.8 billion smartphones users in the world, within that population, 6.3% have a phone addiction". Even though it is a small percentage, that is quite a large amount that can not resist leaving their phone. Phone usage becomes so addictive because of how reliable it is of acquiring and receiving information. The purpose of the cell phone is to constantly keep the user engaged which is why it is so easy for someone to become addicted. Human beings have a 12 to 30 second attention span and the phone is designed to constantly grab the user's attention which leads to an individual being addicted to their phone. Studies have shown that more being on a phone for more than 3 hours and 15 minutes is considered an addiction. The average time that a person spends on their phone is at least 5.4 hours. It increases even more if the person is a teenager or young/older adult.    

What are the effects?

We can observe warning signs that can be an indicator of cell phone addiction. Things to look out for would be:

  • neglecting or having difficulties completing duties at work, school, or home due to the cause of texting, scrolling online, surfing the web, or playing mobile games
  • a feeling of lack of connection towards other people
  • reaching for the mobile device the moment they are bored or alone
  • more and more time of phone usages
  • depression, anxiety, or stress
  • having less sleep
These are just some of the many other effects that cause a person to become addicted to a mobile device. Cell phones allow the person to escape from the problems or issues that they are dealing with. The user then becomes lost in whatever media or social platform they are browsing on their phone which causes them to become less productive. Cell phone addiction damages their relationship with others. Communication suddenly declines and it is difficult for that person to communicate with others. Procrastination causes the person to become lazier thus encouraging the user to be on their phone more. 

What is the solution to this problem?

Going to a resources center or group therapy can help individuals control their habit of being on their mobile devices. A therapist can provide different techniques or make recommendations to that person. Opening up to family or friends can help the person find ways to deal with any stress, problems, or issues that they are dealing with thus decreasing the need to use their phones to cope with their struggles in life. Trying to have self-control by limiting yourself to 3 to 4 hours of phone usage per day. Having a timed lock-out on your phone that will force the user to put their mobile device down. Being able to balance your phone usage with school or work activities and prioritizing more of your time being productive instead of being on your cell phone can defiantly decrease a person's addiction. These small changes can help a person limit themselves from using their phone. The person will realize there are more important things than just mindlessly being on their mobile device when they can be doing something more meaningful and productive. 

Why is this issue important        

Having a cell phone is great but we need to remember that being addicted to it can cause problems. People will continue to use their phones for their work, school, or home. Phones will continue to become more advanced and can possibly do more things in the future which can further increase the person's addiction more. As human beings, we need to have limits on our phone usage. We can not always use it for boredom or distract ourselves from the things that are going on in our lives. Talking with other people face to face or just having constant communication with others is really a great way to decrease phone addiction. People will still have that addiction but at least they are able to make connections, network with other people, etc. We need to make sure that there is a balance between our phones and what is important in our lives.   

How does this issue relate to me?

During my first few semesters in college, I was a phone addict. Whenever I was out of class or I had a break, the first thing I would do is be on my phone. I would constantly check my notifications, check my emails, or even just look at random things on the internet. When I am out with friends or when I am at a family gathering, I would have my phone out all the time. I did not even socialize with other people because it was difficult for me which is why I would always be on my phone. Now that I am a lot older, I realized that I need to make a change. I knew that being addicted to my phone was becoming a problem. I was gaining weight. I was constantly depressed all the time and I was always shy when it comes to meeting people or just having a casual conversation. What I did is that I distance myself from using my phone. I went to therapy and did whatever my therapist would tell me. I would exercise more. Try to talk to people. Learn a new hobby that I have never done before. All these things allowed me to decrease my phone usage. After making these changes, I feel better about myself. Now I like to meet different people. I am always the one to start a conversation. I am more energetic now than before.  

From being in that position, I want to educate others about this issue. Cell phone addiction is a problem and this needs to be addressed. Having limitations or seeking help can decrease an individual's phone addiction. Being engaged and talking to people or trying to do something new like a sport, hobby, or new activity can boost a person's confidence to put down the phone. The more people are not on their phones, the more relationships, and networks we create with one another. I will still use my phone but it is not as bad as when I was younger. Now I limit myself. I focus more on interacting with others and prioritizing my time wisely. If you limit yourself to phone addiction, you will start to see that life is more enjoyable and fun.   


Vandana, G., Divya, S. (2016) Impact of mobile phone addiction on adolescent's life: A Literature Review. Retrieved November 9, 2021, from 

Suzette, G. (2021) Phone Addiction: Warning Signs and Treatment. Retrieved November 6, 2021 from  

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